Full disclosure, this post was written by the Akashic Records featuring my own experience and commentary. I guess you could say we co-wrote it. To find out more about the Akashic Records before continuing, please click here.

Lately, I’ve been affirming over and over that our world and its institutions are changing quickly. We as human beings are shifting from a consciousness of “every man for himself” to “every man for himself AND his community AND the Earth he inhabits”. Simply put, the veil that guarded us between our world and that of the spiritual world no longer exists. The time of us pretending that we are here to work and die is over. The collective is shifting whether we like it or not, towards a world that respects the laws of Nature and respects the nature of one’s Self.

My own awakening was awfully brutal, confusing and downright violent at times. I’m very grateful for the shock and fear that came with it because had it not been so dramatic, I would have never in my life believed in God or anything having to do with the ~*spiritual*~ world at all. I now understand that I had to be profoundly frightened into my rightful place in the Higher Plan. I was too stubborn to have it happen any other way.

Thankfully, many won’t have to go through what I went through and if your awakening is just as, if not more violent than mine, please know and understand that it is not to punish you. It is because you are stubborn as hell, just like me. It is our human nature to ignore our own feelings and intuitions until it becomes “painfuly obvious” and that’s literally the term that rings most true for those of us who struggle with skepticism. In order to fully retain our attention long enough for Spirit to show us our Way, we have to be a little shaken by it first.

It makes total sense to me why my awakening was a year ahead of this mass chapter of awakenings. So I could be here to usher you through it! A service I am very joyful and privileged to provide. Celebrities will awaken and start talking about Spirit openly and since Spirit is dramatic sometimes, I have no doubt awakenings and spiritual encounters will start making the news.

I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s get back to the focus: Awakening. What is it? How do I know when I’m going through it? Is there anything I can do to make it easier on myself and my physical body?

I employed the help of the Akashic Records to write this guide for you. I hope it’ll ease your transitions and silence the anxieties. I do this to do my part in helping but please, if you have questions about your specific awakening after reading the story of mine and this guide, book a reading or an Akashic Session. I’m just one person so I can’t answer everything for everyone. To guarantee your questions answered in a timely fashion or at all, please book because DMs give me lots of anxiety. Help me help you, ha!

Ready? Here we go.

What is a Spiritual Awakening?

Spiritual Awakening is defined by the collective consensus as the process of awakening the superhuman capacities each person is born with. We call it remembering the Truth. It is the process of coming to grips with the fact that the life you live on Earth is completely meaningless in the absence of spiritual consciousness. An awakening is the process of living every second, every moment of your life with intent and aligning this intent with the intents of the Creator. It is surrendering mundane worries and instead placing emphasis and focus on the development of the 7 virtues: Earth, Water, Sun, Moon, Stars, Animals and Plants. Essentially, the awakening process is the return to the natural laws, the rational laws and sciences. All that which can be verified and explained, all that is already known which your human sciences and arts complicate and distort into imperfections with greed and centering material wealth. You call it awakening because life ceases to be lived on auto-pilot and instead, is lived with purpose and with authenticity every second of every day.

The human being surrenders all that it is in favor of experience. Meaning, you surrender your ancient knowings and wisdom in order to prove to yourself that you really are who you say you are. You forfeit all knowledge of yourself to give yourself ample opportunity to create, re-create and elevate yourself further than in other human experiences. [Essentially, we come here to level up with every lifetime we live]

The time is nearing for this process to be over. Children will be born clairvoyant, knowing exactly who and what they want to be in the world. As their parents, your generation will be the last to have to suffer in order to obtain this knowing of oneself.

Thus, you call it spiritual awakening because it feels like being pulled out of a deep and long sleep where you experience disorientation and question the validity of your own existence, where you are and where to you are going.

I know I’ve had premonitions of mass awakenings before. I knew if I changed, it meant we were all changing. I don’t know how I knew that but I felt very certain, even at the very beginnings of my awakening. It seems I was correct but it’s happening much sooner than I thought it would. Why now?

Many are being awakened as we speak, making it a prime opportunity for us to speak on “spiritual awakening.” We hope and know that this topic of discussion will spark much controversy, pushback and argument. We are grateful for this because the conversation must be had and it must be had out loud at the largest possible scale, for humanity needs the guidance we send. All are heading to the same place anyway. Some faster than others, some as a pure result of this reading, others through their own accord with no help or outside influence at all. Either way, it is time for the illusions to fall and all will see themselves as exactly what they are. If you are frightened by this, it means you have much to hide and be ashamed of. If you are thrilled, it means you’ve long been waiting to be acknowledged and recognized for your efforts.

Those who are ashamed and push against this High Truth for fear of confrontation with this shame and guilt, do not worry. You are not condemned. You have condemned yourself, which is to say, you suffer because you want to. The more you run from yourself, the further you run from God. There is no reason for shame nor guilt, only the opportunity to allow the purest Love into your psyche, your heart and your body so you make better decisions that serve you and the collective. For there are no winners so long as there are losers. To win at the expense of another is not to win at all. For all obey the Creator and the Creator does not create losers. The winners ought to win in the presence of equal opportunity and a spiritual awakening is essentially, coming to terms with the fact that humanity was never, ever created in order to live the way you do now; as every man for himself but rather as every man for himself in highest service of the collective.

The Earth will keep rebelling, fighting her inhabitants until one accepts responsibility for himself and for his neighbor, his community too. The world is changing quickly. To awaken is to truly win. To win salvation. Salvation can be afforded to all and will be afforded to all, no matter how long it takes an individual, all paths lead to one destination: Salvation.

Wow. I felt that in my whole chest. Ok so awakening is basically the growing pains of having to look at your life with fresh eyes and understand that we have to start all over, unlearn what we have been taught about society and ourselves. How long would you say it takes a person to make it through these growing pains before settling into a life of spiritual consciousness? It took me like a month just to get used to weird feelings in my body and the…thoughts I was having. A year later and I’m living my best life though!

It could take some lifetimes to become fully awake. Many, enjoy about a week to a month of anxiety and fear before surrendering to the process and finding the right resouces to explore their spirituality further.

[At this point I was asked to cite my own experience as an example. Yes. I can confirm that once I got over the initial fears, I was sent plenty of help from co-workers, old friends and family members to provide me resources that led to me to the Tarot]

For the purpose of this writing, many will enjoy a 2-3 week dramatic awakening process before they calm down long enough to get their wits about them. The awakening is only as brutal or as gentle as the person is willing to receive. 

Now that we’ve been given context, let’s talk about the nitty gritty. Below you will find a list of physical symptoms that can help you figure out if you’re going through your awakening, a list for how to deal with these symptoms and finally, advice for connecting with Spirit on your own terms so Spirit doesn’t have to kick down your door. Godspeed!


Here’s a list the Akashic Records and I came up with of the most commonly experienced physical symptoms of Awakening. I can confirm ALL OF THEM. AT ONCE. IT HURT. Anyway, here we go:

1. Lack of sleep

This includes irregular sleep patterns, physically being unable to sleep, jolting awake or feeling pressure headaches when trying to sleep.

2. Loss of appetite

Sudden changes to diet. Unable to eat regularly or often. Body rejecting food you used to enjoy regularly, particularly animal fats and meats.

3. Anxiety

Crawling or overwhelming anxiety when the Sun sets. Feeling nervous of nothing at night. That weird feeling of being watched.

4. Hearing things

Hearing your name, or whispers when no one is there.

5. Vivid Dreams

Like, WILDLY vivid. Like everything that happened was completely real and you wake up SHOOK. Vivid or recurring nightmares are likely too.

6. Disassociation

Feeling out of place at work or around certain relationships you keep. Feeling like your life isn’t real, like you’re in a video game.

7. Urgency to Travel

A sudden urge to travel or move to a place you’ve never shown interest in before. [I ended up in the mountains in Mexico]

8. Celibacy

Urgent call to celibacy. Naturally wanting to disengage from sexual activity. Planned sexual exchange never actually happening. Plans falling through or being cancelled.

9. Rejection of Chemicals

Physical body rejecting chemicals. Rejecting birth control, pills of any kind, alcohol.

10. Urgency to Go Outside

Wanting to be outside as much as possible because being inside seems stifling and feeling trapped bc of this. Feeling foreign indoors.


If you’re experiencing one or more of the above and you can’t quite place it on a medical condition, please continue reading below.


Advice for Spiritual Awakening Symptoms

1. Pay attention to your body.

If it cannot sleep, do not force it to. Read a book you enjoy instead, do some work, meditate, use the extra time to spend quietly and enjoyably. Sleep is not the only form of rest.

2. Nourishment Needs

If you wish to drink only water and reject food intake, do not force your body to eat. It is purging. Eat light meals when possible and ensure you are eating appropriate vegetables for your cognitive processes such as carrots and greens.

3. Awareness

Know and understand there is nothing to be afraid of. The “demons” you feel, hear and see are all coming from you. They are only as evil as you are. Again, you are purging and they do not like being kicked out of their homes. Pray for peace, protection and uninterrupted rest. We shall grant it.

4. Prayer

Invite the whispers to become full conversations. Pray out loud. Ask a question, still yourself and wait for an answer. This is intuitive channeling.

5. Crystals + A Journal

Invest in protection crystals to sleep with at night. Selenite and Black Tourmaline. Write all of your dreams down. These dreams contain profound messages of healing. They point out your next set of instructions and they bring awareness to the deep rooted fears inside you.

6. Starting Over

Be open to starting your life over. To feel a deep sense of discomfort around your work and those whose company you keep suggest a life you are not living authentic to your highest potential. Surrender the good and be ready to move towards the better.

7. Travel

Be open to incorporating travel into your lifestyle. Your Soul wishes to feel at home and will choose to build a life in a place with ample opportunities for joyful creation, peace and playful relationships. It knows where to go.

8. Sexual Healing

The sexual organs need healing. Disengage. Spiritual awakening process is accelerated and less challenging when you are only concerned with your energy and not adding on another’s.

9. Purge

Purge the body of all unnecessary medications and only keep the absolutely necessary. The body is calling for a complete do-over. Eat many anti-oxidants to ease this process.

10. Go Outside

Spend at least one hour in the Sun and minimum 15 minutes in a natural body of water to ease this process. Any combination of 1 hour in nature a day will ease the physical symptoms of awakening and calm the anxieties of the mind. To feel stifled where you otherwise felt normal indicates a life who previously did not care or value nature enough. You must familiarize yourself with the natural once more.

Tips for Connecting to Source Energy


  1. Meditation: There is no substitute or alternative for consistent practice in self discipline and alone quiet time.
  2. Prayer: Likewise, there is no substitution for prayer. We hear your every thought and feeling. Talk to us. Talk to your spiritual guides. They are there to help you. What do you want? What frightens you? They are there to answer you.
  3. Follow the signs: If we sent you a number sequence (222), research it. Ask us what we want from you. If we play a song in your mind over and over, research the lyrics. Find our message. You must follow it to find your answer. Trust us.
  4. Relax: Answers come in stillness, not frantic panic and answers unique to you will not always be available from spiritual practioners who are gentle and patient enough to respond to your frenzy.
  5. Read: Read Tarot, read books, read whatever brings you a state of calm and nourishes your mind. Many stop reading the moment it is no longer required of them at school. Read to improve your cognitive process and thus, become more able to understand the terribly complex nuances of the spiritual realms. [Side note from sugarxndspice, read this book.]

Closing Statements

Anything else we might want to add to this brief guide for how to not freak out and die during an Awakening?

Each human being has a specific skill set that serves the Higher Plan for the Earth and all its inhabitants. Even if you feel you have no skills or have the same skills as another, it is your unique interpretation of them that is needed. So long as you continue waking up, it means there is work to be done and joyful experiences to be created. Just because another has the same skill set as you, does not mean you are any less important to the grand scheme of things. [At this point I heard music, please click here to listen to the song I channeled for further explanation]

There is no reason to be afraid. All are welcome here and all will be lovingly guided to their Highest Truth. All will be aligned in one way or another to their place in the tapestry that is the collective human existence. All is well and all is according to Plan. Call upon the deity, Angels or God of your choice and be prepared to receive our answer. The days of a silent God are over. God will speak and speak to you often, please be still long enough to hear God. Amen.



To book your own Akashic session, please click here.

Full disclosure, this post was written by the Akashic Records featuring my own experience and commentary. I guess you could say we co-wrote it. To find out more about the Akashic Records before continuing, please click here.


Lately, I’ve been affirming over and over that our world and its institutions are changing quickly. We as human beings are shifting from a consciousness of “every man for himself” to “every man for himself AND his community AND the Earth he inhabits”. Simply put, the veil that guarded us between our world and that of the spiritual world no longer exists. The time of us pretending that we are here to work and die is over. The collective is shifting whether we like it or not, towards a world that respects the laws of Nature and respects the nature of one’s Self.


My own awakening was awfully brutal, confusing and downright violent at times. I’m very grateful for the shock and fear that came with it because had it not been so dramatic, I would have never in my life believed in God or anything having to do with the ~*spiritual*~ world at all. I now understand that I had to be profoundly frightened into my rightful place in the Higher Plan. I was too stubborn to have it happen any other way.


Thankfully, many won’t have to go through what I went through and if your awakening is just as, if not more violent than mine, please know and understand that it is not to punish you. It is because you are stubborn as hell, just like me. It is our human nature to ignore our own feelings and intuitions until it becomes “painfuly obvious” and that’s literally the term that rings most true for those of us who struggle with skepticism. In order to fully retain our attention long enough for Spirit to show us our Way, we have to be a little shaken by it first.


It makes total sense to me why my awakening was a year ahead of this mass chapter of awakenings. So I could be here to usher you through it! A service I am very joyful and privileged to provide. Celebrities will awaken and start talking about Spirit openly and since Spirit is dramatic sometimes, I have no doubt awakenings and spiritual encounters will start making the news.


I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s get back to the focus: Awakening. What is it? How do I know when I’m going through it? Is there anything I can do to make it easier on myself and my physical body?


I employed the help of the Akashic Records to write this guide for you. I hope it’ll ease your transitions and silence the anxieties. I do this to do my part in helping but please, if you have questions about your specific awakening after reading the story of mine and this guide, book a reading or an Akashic Session. I’m just one person so I can’t answer everything for everyone. To guarantee your questions answered in a timely fashion or at all, please book because DMs give me lots of anxiety. Help me help you, ha!


Ready? Here we go.


What is a Spiritual Awakening?


Spiritual Awakening is defined by the collective consensus as the process of awakening the superhuman capacities each person is born with. We call it remembering the Truth. It is the process of coming to grips with the fact that the life you live on Earth is completely meaningless in the absence of spiritual consciousness. An awakening is the process of living every second, every moment of your life with intent and aligning this intent with the intents of the Creator. It is surrendering mundane worries and instead placing emphasis and focus on the development of the 7 virtues: Earth, Water, Sun, Moon, Stars, Animals and Plants. Essentially, the awakening process is the return to the natural laws, the rational laws and sciences. All that which can be verified and explained, all that is already known which your human sciences and arts complicate and distort into imperfections with greed and centering material wealth. You call it awakening because life ceases to be lived on auto-pilot and instead, is lived with purpose and with authenticity every second of every day.




The human being surrenders all that it is in favor of experience. Meaning, you surrender your ancient knowings and wisdom in order to prove to yourself that you really are who you say you are. You forfeit all knowledge of yourself to give yourself ample opportunity to create, re-create and elevate yourself further than in other human experiences. [Essentially, we come here to level up with every lifetime we live]


The time is nearing for this process to be over. Children will be born clairvoyant, knowing exactly who and what they want to be in the world. As their parents, your generation will be the last to have to suffer in order to obtain this knowing of oneself.


Thus, you call it spiritual awakening because it feels like being pulled out of a deep and long sleep where you experience disorientation and question the validity of your own existence, where you are and where to you are going.


I know I’ve had premonitions of mass awakenings before. I knew if I changed, it meant we were all changing. I don’t know how I knew that but I felt very certain, even at the very beginnings of my awakening. It seems I was correct but it’s happening much sooner than I thought it would. Why now?


Many are being awakened as we speak, making it a prime opportunity for us to speak on “spiritual awakening.” We hope and know that this topic of discussion will spark much controversy, pushback and argument. We are grateful for this because the conversation must be had and it must be had out loud at the largest possible scale, for humanity needs the guidance we send. All are heading to the same place anyway. Some faster than others, some as a pure result of this reading, others through their own accord with no help or outside influence at all. Either way, it is time for the illusions to fall and all will see themselves as exactly what they are. If you are frightened by this, it means you have much to hide and be ashamed of. If you are thrilled, it means you’ve long been waiting to be acknowledged and recognized for your efforts.


Those who are ashamed and push against this High Truth for fear of confrontation with this shame and guilt, do not worry. You are not condemned. You have condemned yourself, which is to say, you suffer because you want to. The more you run from yourself, the further you run from God. There is no reason for shame nor guilt, only the opportunity to allow the purest Love into your psyche, your heart and your body so you make better decisions that serve you and the collective. For there are no winners so long as there are losers. To win at the expense of another is not to win at all. For all obey the Creator and the Creator does not create losers. The winners ought to win in the presence of equal opportunity and a spiritual awakening is essentially, coming to terms with the fact that humanity was never, ever created in order to live the way you do now; as every man for himself but rather as every man for himself in highest service of the collective.


The Earth will keep rebelling, fighting her inhabitants until one accepts responsibility for himself and for his neighbor, his community too. The world is changing quickly. To awaken is to truly win. To win salvation. Salvation can be afforded to all and will be afforded to all, no matter how long it takes an individual, all paths lead to one destination: Salvation.


Wow. I felt that in my whole chest. Ok so awakening is basically the growing pains of having to look at your life with fresh eyes and understand that we have to start all over, unlearn what we have been taught about society and ourselves. How long would you say it takes a person to make it through these growing pains before settling into a life of spiritual consciousness? It took me like a month just to get used to weird feelings in my body and the…thoughts I was having. A year later and I’m living my best life though!


It could take some lifetimes to become fully awake. Many, enjoy about a week to a month of anxiety and fear before surrendering to the process and finding the right resouces to explore their spirituality further.


[At this point I was asked to cite my own experience as an example. Yes. I can confirm that once I got over the initial fears, I was sent plenty of help from co-workers, old friends and family members to provide me resources that led to me to the Tarot]


For the purpose of this writing, many will enjoy a 2-3 week dramatic awakening process before they calm down long enough to get their wits about them. The awakening is only as brutal or as gentle as the person is willing to receive. 


Now that we’ve been given context, let’s talk about the nitty gritty. Below you will find a list of physical symptoms that can help you figure out if you’re going through your awakening, a list for how to deal with these symptoms and finally, advice for connecting with Spirit on your own terms so Spirit doesn’t have to kick down your door. Godspeed!




Here’s a list the Akashic Records and I came up with of the most commonly experienced physical symptoms of Awakening. I can confirm ALL OF THEM. AT ONCE. IT HURT. Anyway, here we go:


1. Lack of sleep


This includes irregular sleep patterns, physically being unable to sleep, jolting awake or feeling pressure headaches when trying to sleep.


2. Loss of appetite


Sudden changes to diet. Unable to eat regularly or often. Body rejecting food you used to enjoy regularly, particularly animal fats and meats.


3. Anxiety


Crawling or overwhelming anxiety when the Sun sets. Feeling nervous of nothing at night. That weird feeling of being watched.


4. Hearing things


Hearing your name, or whispers when no one is there.


5. Vivid Dreams


Like, WILDLY vivid. Like everything that happened was completely real and you wake up SHOOK. Vivid or recurring nightmares are likely too.


6. Disassociation


Feeling out of place at work or around certain relationships you keep. Feeling like your life isn’t real, like you’re in a video game.


7. Urgency to Travel


A sudden urge to travel or move to a place you’ve never shown interest in before. [I ended up in the mountains in Mexico]


8. Celibacy


Urgent call to celibacy. Naturally wanting to disengage from sexual activity. Planned sexual exchange never actually happening. Plans falling through or being cancelled.


9. Rejection of Chemicals


Physical body rejecting chemicals. Rejecting birth control, pills of any kind, alcohol.


10. Urgency to Go Outside


Wanting to be outside as much as possible because being inside seems stifling and feeling trapped bc of this. Feeling foreign indoors.


If you’re experiencing one or more of the above and you can’t quite place it on a medical condition, please continue reading below.


Advice for Spiritual Awakening Symptoms


1. Pay attention to your body.


If it cannot sleep, do not force it to. Read a book you enjoy instead, do some work, meditate, use the extra time to spend quietly and enjoyably. Sleep is not the only form of rest.


2. Nourishment Needs


If you wish to drink only water and reject food intake, do not force your body to eat. It is purging. Eat light meals when possible and ensure you are eating appropriate vegetables for your cognitive processes such as carrots and greens.


3. Awareness


Know and understand there is nothing to be afraid of. The “demons” you feel, hear and see are all coming from you. They are only as evil as you are. Again, you are purging and they do not like being kicked out of their homes. Pray for peace, protection and uninterrupted rest. We shall grant it.


4. Prayer


Invite the whispers to become full conversations. Pray out loud. Ask a question, still yourself and wait for an answer. This is intuitive channeling.


5. Crystals + A Journal


Invest in protection crystals to sleep with at night. Selenite and Black Tourmaline. Write all of your dreams down. These dreams contain profound messages of healing. They point out your next set of instructions and they bring awareness to the deep rooted fears inside you.


6. Starting Over


Be open to starting your life over. To feel a deep sense of discomfort around your work and those whose company you keep suggest a life you are not living authentic to your highest potential. Surrender the good and be ready to move towards the better.


7. Travel


Be open to incorporating travel into your lifestyle. Your Soul wishes to feel at home and will choose to build a life in a place with ample opportunities for joyful creation, peace and playful relationships. It knows where to go.


8. Sexual Healing


The sexual organs need healing. Disengage. Spiritual awakening process is accelerated and less challenging when you are only concerned with your energy and not adding on another’s.


9. Purge


Purge the body of all unnecessary medications and only keep the absolutely necessary. The body is calling for a complete do-over. Eat many anti-oxidants to ease this process.


10. Go Outside


Spend at least one hour in the Sun and minimum 15 minutes in a natural body of water to ease this process. Any combination of 1 hour in nature a day will ease the physical symptoms of awakening and calm the anxieties of the mind. To feel stifled where you otherwise felt normal indicates a life who previously did not care or value nature enough. You must familiarize yourself with the natural once more.


Tips for Connecting to Source Energy


  1. Meditation: There is no substitute or alternative for consistent practice in self discipline and alone quiet time.
  2. Prayer: Likewise, there is no substitution for prayer. We hear your every thought and feeling. Talk to us. Talk to your spiritual guides. They are there to help you. What do you want? What frightens you? They are there to answer you.
  3. Follow the signs: If we sent you a number sequence (222), research it. Ask us what we want from you. If we play a song in your mind over and over, research the lyrics. Find our message. You must follow it to find your answer. Trust us.
  4. Relax: Answers come in stillness, not frantic panic and answers unique to you will not always be available from spiritual practioners who are gentle and patient enough to respond to your frenzy.
  5. Read: Read Tarot, read books, read whatever brings you a state of calm and nourishes your mind. Many stop reading the moment it is no longer required of them at school. Read to improve your cognitive process and thus, become more able to understand the terribly complex nuances of the spiritual realms. [Side note from sugarxndspice, read this book.]


Closing Statements


Anything else we might want to add to this brief guide for how to not freak out and die during an Awakening?


Each human being has a specific skill set that serves the Higher Plan for the Earth and all its inhabitants. Even if you feel you have no skills or have the same skills as another, it is your unique interpretation of them that is needed. So long as you continue waking up, it means there is work to be done and joyful experiences to be created. Just because another has the same skill set as you, does not mean you are any less important to the grand scheme of things. [At this point I heard music, please click here to listen to the song I channeled for further explanation]


There is no reason to be afraid. All are welcome here and all will be lovingly guided to their Highest Truth. All will be aligned in one way or another to their place in the tapestry that is the collective human existence. All is well and all is according to Plan. Call upon the deity, Angels or God of your choice and be prepared to receive our answer. The days of a silent God are over. God will speak and speak to you often, please be still long enough to hear God. Amen.




To book your own Akashic session, please click here.