Hey Mercurials! As I’ve said before, this is the year I want to challenge myself and all associated with me to transition from self-help to healing in community. It can be such a terrifying sensation to come out of hiding and offer ourselves to the world. And even as scary as it seems, I have never found or felt more love in my entire life. This guest post was brought to you out of a deep desire to drive home the message that YOU are capable of anything. That anyone who loves something enough can become extraordinary at it, even if you feel a little nervous or silly at the beginning. That’s what keeps me going in my own Akashic Records practice. Through everything, I remember that deep down I love this practice for everything it has offered me up until now.

This deep love is why I stay committed to Mercurious. It’d be so easy to return to a full time job. To settle for an existence that is mediocre in comparison to the wholeness of my Being. Yet, I choose not to. I love my practice too much. I love YOU too much. I love LIFE too much to pause my study of it. I don’t care to play it safe. I care to nourish the fire in my belly that gets me up off my ass every day.

It is my absolute pleasure to introduce Madison to you all. Madison is a fairly recent graduate of Akashic Records Level I & a very talented energy worker. Through getting to know her, I acted on a hunch: I asked her to try her hand at channeling a community offering for you all. Hopefully the wisdom contained in this piece lands as it is meant to for you.

More than anything, I hope Madison inspires you to step up and contribute too. Even if it doesn’t feel safe to contribute anywhere else, I pray that you can trust that Mercurious is a safe place for you to practice, to stretch beyond your limits and to share whatever your heart wants to express.

Without further ado, let’s meet Madison and show her lots of love for stepping up like this!


Introducing our First-Ever Channel of the Month: Madison Lang

Hello, I am Madison Lang- I am a 25-year-old artist and devotee to truth and transformation living in Minnesota!

I have a background in Theatre and Dance studies where I was first introduced to mysticism through the channel of artistic creation. On the stage and in the early creative process, I heard God and the universe speak clearly. I saw how there was deep energetic healing in both creating the artistic work and receiving/ witnessing the artistic work. I became fascinated with the intersections between expression and energetic transformation. After years of studying energetic theory and witchcraft on my own- I started attending Boulder Psychic Institute because I was craving new tools for self-healing! I have now since completed 2 years of Psychic training and am currently working on getting ordained as a minister through the program! Not only that- but I begin their Master’s level program (a 5 year adventure) this spring!

It is my passion to make the abstract language of the energetic realm accessible and hold space for healing experiences for those who desire them!

Feel free to check out my past work @liminalpsychic insta and twitter

And visit my website if you want to learn more about my psychic training, Healing modalities, and services! Liminal Psychic

Channeling: An Unhelpful & Unnatural Polarity

Awareness and Focus

M: what needs to be neutralized for me right now?

There is a brightness in your energetic space that is creating tension and overwhelm. It has been showing up as headaches, face muscle soreness, posture difficulties, and an overactive yet underproducing energetic flow. This is quite common for you as you are on the Hyper awareness part of your cycle of Awareness and Focus.

M: Okay yes I have been working on (struggling with) my dynamic with these concepts. Can you tell me more about my cycle of awareness and focus?

Right now you are at a place where awareness and focus are on two opposite sides- like a coin. Awareness on one side and focus on the other. When one side of the coin is up, the other is hidden from sight. For example, when you are in the awareness phase of this cycle you see it all: the tasks that need to be done, the care that your body has been loudly asking for, the goals that have been waiting for action, you can’t stop seeing it all. You try to capture this energy in plans and in schedules- but it’s all a whirlwind of abstract ideas, activation, and calling.

Then the coin flips because initiating these tasks requires focus. Your targeted vision closes and you root on what is chosen as a priority- even if there is intention to hold complex and diffused focus, all but the main priority focus disappears from awareness. After a few days or weeks depending on your stamina, you will begin to notice that extra looming unconsciousness. You notice it in the lack of attention and presence to care tasks, enjoyment, and other goals that needed your acknowledgment.

disconnection and the overwhelm of lack hits and suddenly the coin has flipped once again. We overhaul awareness to make up for the sacrifice we made for focus.

M: whew okay yes… I really do struggle with this. I love projects and putting my focus into creation but I realize I don’t want to do that at the cost of losing my awareness and footing on my foundation. And the periods of being hyper-aware to make up for disconnection are really exhausting on my body… How did this cycle come to be? is it just me who is struggling?

What created this unhelpful polarity is an inherited struggle to switch between expansive awareness and narrow awareness from moment to moment. Both of these views are crucial as we must learn to see the whole picture and the tiny pixel that makes the picture. Existing in a Capitalist and Patriarchal society has already skewed the balance of these views due to the demand for detail-focused awareness for long periods of time. Think like the pressure to begin and end a task in a single 5-hour sitting or the mental energy needed to do the same task every day for 40 hours a day.

This already creates an unnatural balance between how much time we are spending in diffused and narrow awareness as well as creates unrealistic standards for oscillation between the two lenses. This created world would like you to believe that a focused, narrow view is the standard and that you get to have a little expansive awareness on the side as a treat- when you really need to “dream big” or “set your goals”. But really- a balanced human needs time with both of this awareness daily. and Ideally, we move from a polarity expression: either this OR that to more of a spectrum of awareness: oscillating in various degrees so the change of awareness is not overwhelming to the physical or spiritual body.

You are also what humans like to call Type A which is basically a joke about you struggling with control. Self-proclaimed type A people were very triggered by lack of control and agency in the past and tend to adopt behaviors that protect them. This obsession with perfection, harm reduction, and “catching it before it falls” also reflects in this cycle. When we are walking with so much control we also may cling to states and realities purely because that feels safer than letting your body, the day’s energy, or the present decide. This is why you struggle to do more than one “thing” in a day because you can’t fathom giving up a state until you have had your way with it… for a whole day. If not longer.

M: Whew! It’s hard to respond to the present moment when you are trying to control the present moment. I do not wish to feel like I can only be with one awareness for a long period of time. I think I owe it to myself to experience a wide range of awareness in a day. I think this would help me stay connected to my mission and abstract dreams while still showing me that grounded and gentle action is all around me.

What can I, and maybe others, do to blast this unhelpful polarity?

Think of your diffused, abstract, and wide awareness as your home base. In this state we receive, we drink in information, and sensations, we ponder, we drift- the more we allow ourselves to float in this expansive space the more we will begin to collect our desires, our needs. Sleeping is the ultimate expression of this state- but it’s important we experience it awake too. From here we are filled up, softened, soothed, inspired, and made ready to tighten focus for action. Focused awareness likes to come in brief but powerful bursts- harness that by hearing its call and stepping into action as soon as you can. The range may be different for others but for you, your focused awareness could be anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 hour.

M: wow okay so not a lot of detail view time- but from what I am understanding a lot is abstractly gathered together during expansive awareness- so the actual work of focused awareness is really quite quick. this definitely resonates with me from what I observe around productivity.

No, certainly not a “long time” but the optimum time– and just as the optimum time is complete it will be time to return to an expansive awareness once again for recharging and recollecting.

M: I see! So really a continuous shift between these energies multiple times a day is not only the easiest on your body, mind, and spirit but maybe even beneficial for productivity as well.

Can you give me some ways I can flip the switch on which awareness I am in so I can practice being more fluid in my day-to-day?

*no words just a fancy chart lol* 

Expansive awareness:

    • stare out a window, at a painting, or something gently to engage that part of your brain that visualizes and weaves the abstract- let yourself be here without judgment and be amused with what comes up, especially if it’s nothing. When we let ourselves experience this time intentionally we can even help lessen our experiences with dissociation and disconnection.
    • consume a beverage, food, or song, to act as a container to hold space for you to expand- Let your body just consume this thing for a moment while your mind and energy wander. Let your senses be a part of the journey.
    • Interacting with water, consuming it, bathing in it, and splashing your face with it, can help you switch gears from detail into expansive- as water is a subconscious and fluid element.

Focused awareness:

    • Setting a timer for a brief moment and fully immerse yourself in the focus. when we are present…time is timeless… one hour is all you have? great- fully meet that hour with all of you and watch how much you create in this space
    • Having a hard time being in the present moment? Imagine calling out to your energy by claiming “my energy is returning to me now” or visualizing it fly. Take a moment and call your energy back from the past, the future, and anywhere outside of you in the present. Breathe and feel those selves merging with your body. Focusing is easier when all of your energy is here.
    • interacting with fire, lighting a fire with a candle or fireplace can help create an experience of body doubling. Humans often get energy from other humans in coregulation- this is why two humans often love to work alongside one another. In a similar manner, the heat and light created by the fire energy holds a similar power. The flame both holds the individual accountable by reminding them of their intention and acts as an energetic source for the body and spirit to remain present and active. Light the flame when you begin and blow it out when you end.

M: thank you for this wonderful information and grounding practices! I am excited to build more of a spectrum of awareness over time and release this intense (and exhausting) polarity.

Do you have any final words for this topic?

Do not be concerned with getting it right. There are right ways for everybody and the only way you can build a reference of familiarity is if you experience it firsthand. No one around you can model how you as an individual needs to function- it must but your own mission to discover slowly and gently.

May you be kind and compassionate with yourself as you become aware of this polarity and attempt to shift your state more fluidly. As always, as you work out this energy you will run into this dynamic head-on- so if you think you are struggling with this now buckle up. Except now you are more equipped with choice and ahem awareness. With this awareness, the tools, and the practices, you can choose another way… if you want.

M: Thank you. With that, I am feeling complete and ready to disconnect from my narrow focus and drift into expansion.


Interview: More About Madison’s Akashic Experiences 

I was drawn to Dee’s Akashic class because I wanted to experience a new process of channeling collective and self info! In my current psychic practice, it’s common for me to call in others’ Akashic Record Keeper to assist in energetic healing but there isn’t any channeling involved- just nice co-healing that is aligned with the receiver!

I would watch as the record keeper would gather old stories and heavy information no longer needed from the individual’s soul body and return them to the records, freeing up the energetic body for present-day wisdom.

I got to witness the blessing of soul information to the individual- reminding the individual of skills, experiences, or tools they had mastered in a past life that is greatly useful now. I watched as they would do this healing effortlessly and impossibly quick.

It was incredible. Watching the Record Keepers work was so inspiring to me- I wanted to further inform my Akashic practice to learn more about what the records provide and know. I also knew strengthening my channeling would be a useful tool! I found Mercurious and this would be a good place to start.

In my journey of trusting myself in my energetic and akashic practices- I have found it has helped the most to just show up with the uncertainty. Show up when I dont feel like I *can* intuit very well, show up when I am riddled with doubt, show up when I am feeling resistance in my body- every time I focus on just showing up to my practice as I am instead of focusing on the outcome I am always surprised by what I find there (and often surprised by my capability). Even the action of showing up with the fear is an action that builds trust in your body when you get to the other side and… oh! No fear in sight! It’s actually kinda nice and neutral in here! I am safe! Maybe I can even enjoy myself!

I really take this “ show up as you are” approach to my Akashic channeling- I love to get really vulnerable with my Records Keeper and let them help me unpack what I am struggling with. This is why my channeling comes off more as a conversation or a journal entry.

This is my way of coming to the records in truth and authenticity. This channeling is an expression of that! I hope you enjoy it.


Madison's Energetic Signature

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