If you’ve been following me long enough, you’ll know that I dreamt my first deck, Ra (pictured above). I never had to wonder about which deck to choose because she chose me first. As time passed and my practice grew, I began acquiring new decks for myself (with lots of anxiety) and eventually moved on to teaching the Tarot.

To curb this anxiety of shopping for a new deck, I’ve compiled a list of tips which I hope you will find helpful in your journey to finding your new best friend.

But I’ve heard your first deck has to be gifted to you???

Perhaps in the past that was a real thing, but I call gatekeeping BS. You don’t have to wait for someone to gift you a deck. In fact, I highly recommend purchasing your own to guarantee you’ll actually like the deck to begin with. Your first deck is important because it is your own personal usher through the Tarot experience, which is a powerfully profound, raw and honest look through your own human experience. It is important you choose a deck that makes you feel good.

Think of purchasing a new Tarot deck like picking who to sit with at a lunch date. You don’t have to choose the most popular deck to have a good time. Likewise, you don’t have to choose the deck no one ever uses just because it’s rare.

You want to sit next to the person who makes you feel heard, has good conversation and seems honest, maybe even funny! When choosing your first deck, pick what feels warmest and safest to you. Again, this deck will usher you through some delicate moments in your life so you want to choose one whose “personality” (art) matches with yours.

So let’s get to it! Here are my personal tips for purchasing your first Tarot deck.


This doesn’t have to be a strict “rule” per se but I do recommend shopping in person for your first deck because of the physical sensations you might miss while shopping online. The first time I held my deck, my hands gripped it like my very life depended on it. I felt a warm rush in my chest and I had teary eyes. I knew that was it. That was MY deck. Every cell in my body felt it. I recommend you shop in person so you give yourself the opportunity to become aware of how your physical body reacts to the energies of the decks you hold. Tarot decks are usually available at any metaphysical shop in your area. When in doubt, Barnes & Nobles has some too but not as wide of a selection.

If you choose to shop online, that’s alright but remember to trust your first instinct. Don’t second guess the deck you keep a tab open for and keep going back to. That’s your deck. And no, don’t buy both if you’re in between two options. To be a Tarot reader, you must be decisive and certain. This is your first exercise. Be decisive and choose one deck. I promise you, one is enough to get you started. Your first instinct is the right choice.


I recommend you Google the name of the deck you are interested in for a broader look at the rest of the cards in the deck. Some decks only have substantial art interpretations for the Major Arcana and then minimal visuals for the suits within a deck. I do not recommend decks with minimal art for beginners as these can be more challenging to read intuitively. You want a deck with plenty of art to pull from. Decks with colors, animals, faeries, dragons, people of color, modern nuances etc etc all exist out there! The important part is that you choose art that you see yourself in. If you can see and feel yourself in the art, you’ll be able to interpret it just fine. Choose a deck with art that resonates, that means something to you.


Though Tarot does not derive from any particular ancestry or ethnicity, some decks have strong cultural significance in the way they incorporate Mexica, African and Indigenous deities within their visual interpretations. If you identify strongly with aspects of your culture that you see within a deck, chances are that that particular deck will speak loudly to you and in ways that you can easily understand because you are already familiar with the historic and social context of the legends and deities depicted in it.

For example, decks with Mexican influence are always brightly colored. In fact, I would go so far as to say ANYTHING with strong Mexican influence will feature bright and warm colors. We don’t do that black and white business. Our colors are bold and loud, like our passions. It’s easy for me to interpret based on cultural nuances I already carry and know well. Consider these nuances when looking for your deck because I’m gonna be honest, there’s only white people in a lot of these decks.

Which is fine! My first deck only has white people in it and I still became a pro at Tarot. But it’s something I was more wary of as I added to my collection.


I know I already threw this in there but it deserved its own spot on the list. I promise you, 78 cards that encompass THE ENTIRE HUMAN EXISTENCE, YOUR entire human existence is enough to get you started. Every thought, every feeling, every experience you have ever had has a card for it. Please don’t fuck up your blessings by buying more than one at a time. Learn your first deck, all 78 cards well and thoroughly and then you can go off! You won’t risk confusion and contradictions in your interpretations when you focus on the one.

Again, to be a Tarot reader, one must learn to be decisive and certain of themselves. Choose one even if it cripples you with anxiety. That’s your first of many confrontations with the Tarot. Congratulations. This is your life now.


Please choose your first deck intuitively. We don’t shop for lovers (though with Tinder it can seem that way) but we choose instead on physical attraction, how they make us feel and how our personalities vibe with each other. Treat shopping for your deck the same way. You don’t have to purchase what seems easiest to obtain, what delivers the fastest or what the cheapest deck is. Your first deck is always the most special. Choose the deck that makes you feel most excited, safe and joyful. Trust that it’s the one for you. Trust yourself to make the best and right decisions for you. You know more than you think you do.

Welcoming a new deck

Your deck is kind of like a person. It doesn’t like being uncomfortable. Wrap it in a cloth and put it in a safe space. Remember, you and your deck are a team now. Don’t let the deck boss you around but don’t consider yourself superior to your deck either. There has to be a mutual flow of trust and respect so treat your deck kindly. Don’t stick it in your purse and forget about it forever. I put mine in cute jewerly bags if that helps! Overall, just keep your decks safe, away from water and wrap them in the cloth of your choice.

Again, I hope this was helpful to you aspiring Tarot Readers out there! Good luck on your hunt for your new bestie!

Shameless plug before I go: Don’t forget I teach a Beginner Level Tarot class every month in groups of 10 studentsTo reserve your spot for next month, please click here.

To book a reading, please click here.

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