
Earnings & Income Disclaimer

We at Mercurious Arts & Divinations make no guarantees as to results or earnings or income related to any of the services or offerings found on this website, whether our own or that of a third party. The information provided, including through any of our services, programs or offerings, is intended to be for your educational or entertainment purposes only, and does not constitute an opportunity to get rich. Your use of any information that we present, including through a program or service you purchase through this website, should be based on your own due diligence and determination that it suits the purpose for which you desire to use it.

Certain information which may be provided on our website or in our materials may include forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward looking statements relate to expectations or forecasts of future events, and may be identified by use of the words “estimate,” “project,” “predict,” “forecast,” or similar words related to expected future outcomes or possibilities. Any forward looking statements on our website or in our materials are expressions of our opinion only and are not guarantees that any particular outcome or result will be achieved.

We make no representations or guarantees that you will achieve any results or earnings as a result of using our services or products. Any examples or statements regarding earnings or income made by Mercurious Arts & Divinations or its advertisers, sponsors or affiliates, are provided as examples or estimates only of what we think might be possible. You agree that you understand that any estimates or examples provided do not in any way guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar level of results or income, and that past results do not reflect the average results. We make no representations regarding average results or earnings related to any information or offerings we provide.

Further, there is no assurance that any examples of past earnings will be duplicated in the future, by the same individuals or anyone else including you. You agree that we at Mercurious Arts & Divinations including our advertisers, sponsors and affiliates, are not responsible for your future results including any successes or failures you experience whether directly or indirectly related to your use of our information.

You accept that results vary by individual and are based on a wide variety of factors which may include but are not limited to your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network and financial situation, amongst other factors, some of which may be beyond your influence or control. You assume all risks related to your use of any information we present and accept that we are not responsible for your actions.

Disclaimer.  USE OF THE PROGRAM OR SERVICES COVERED BY THIS AGREEMENT AND ANY CONTENT PROVIDED THEREIN IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. The Company and its employees, representatives and agents are not responsible for any physical or non-physical damages imagined, perceived, or otherwise sustained as a result of the use of the Program or Services or any content provided as part of the Program or Services. The Services provided through the Program are advisory and supportive only, and you bear sole responsibility for the use and implementation of these services in your personal or professional life. You are free to reject any advice, suggestions or requests made during the Program at any time. There are no guarantees as to the progress or outcomes that may result from the Services and you are responsible for the results you achieve.

Medical Disclaimer. THE INFORMATION, PROGRAMS, OR SERVICES CONTAINED HEREIN ARE NOT SUBSTITUTES FOR ANY PROFESSIONAL ADVICE OR TREATMENT, INCLUDING THE ADVICE AND TREATMENT OF A LICENSED HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL. You should consult your physician or other healthcare professional before starting this or any other fitness, nutrition, or health related program to determine if it is right for your needs. The information offered through this site is educational only and does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have questions or situations requiring professional or medical advice, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist, such as a licensed physician, psychologist, or other healthcare professional. Never disregard the medical advice of a psychologist or other healthcare professional, or delay in seeking such advice because of the information offered or provided within or through the program, services or website.

MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: Any services or information provided by Mercurious Arts & Divinations, including electronically, are provided for educational and informational purposes only, and are not substitutes for professional advice or treatment by a licensed healthcare professional. The services of Mercurious Arts & Divinations are not for everyone. You are advised to seek the care of a qualified doctor or medical professional when undertaking any changes to nutrition, diet or fitness, including any that we may recommend.

AFFILIATE LINKS & COMPENSATION DISCLOSURE. We enter into affiliate relationships with third parties and from time to time provide links to third-party services or products on our website and in our email marketing. We receive compensation through these affiliate relationships, including when our Users purchase services or products via such links. We provide disclosures when sending or posting such information as an affiliate. If we are providing a review or rating of a third party’s service or product and receive payment for such review or rating, we disclose that information when sharing our review or rating.

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