Akashic Records 101

Below please find an overview of each Akashic service I offer and how to adequately prepare for yours!

Akashic Records Session

The Akashic Records Session is a profoundly enlightening experience beginning with an opening guided meditation, a Q&A session within the Records and a closing procedure. Sessions are as brief or as long as the Records allow. Sessions may last up to 1 hour so please allocate at least an hour of quiet and alone time. A chair, notebook and writing tool are required for this session.

In order to help you adequately prepare for what can be a life-altering experience, please remember to bring the following to your scheduled session:

  • Allocate at least one hour of quiet and alone time.
  • Ensure that you have water available and a chair that offers back support prior to your appointment.
  • Bring a notebook and a writing tool.
  • Prepare up to 3 questions for the Records ahead of time. Please list these in order of priority.

Akashic Clearings

Akashic clearings are a unique session which provides an in depth look at energetic agreements longstanding and unfulfilled or otherwise stagnant and provide an opportunity to delete, modify, alter, suspend and manipulate these energetic agreements to your Highest Will and Purpose.

For example: If you find yourself perpetually self sabotaging no matter what you do, an Akashic clearing will provide insight into the origin of this agreement: how it was made, why it was made, what terms and conditions perpetuate self sabotage, and their recommendations for clearing it/modifying it in a more healthy, purposeful way.

If for whatever reason the energetic agreement you are trying to clear is not yet available to you for review, the Akashic Records will make suitable suggestions for modifications to ease comfort or to offer a clearing of a different but related agreement.

Aftercare instructions specific to your situation are provided by the Records. A follow up phone call will follow 3-7 days after the session to offer support/check in assistance as your physical reality adjusts to the new agreements activated and put in place.

To prepare for this session:

  • If available to you, ask the Akashic Records what energetic agreements are most advantageous to clear at this time. If not available to you, have a general idea of what you’d like to clear: worthlessness, lack mindset, self sabotage, powerlessness, fear etc etc
  • Please be mindful that clearing soul ties means clearing them across all universes, all lifetimes etc. This is not impossible to do but the circumstances that allow this are subject to conditions of the Akashic Records. What no longer serves in this present moment, present lifetime, might still be really important elsewhere in the Universe. If this is the case, it is not in your best interests to clear it and the Akashic Records will suggest alternatives for you.
  • Bring water and note taking tools. You WILL need writing tools and paper.
  • A chair with back support
  • 1.5 hrs of quiet alone time for the session
  • Optional: the removal of crystals/jewelry especially that wasn’t made by you or for you

Akashic Past Life Regressions

In this session, we will channel one of your past lives through the Akashic Records. We will begin by opening your Records and discussing what past life is most relevant to you at this point in time. Our astral bodies will then be transported to that timeline and your astral body will then experience the most significant parts of this lifetime.

Everything that is experienced and all information relayed to the practitioner will immediately be relayed to you in detail. You may also experience visions or bodily sensations yourself throughout the session. After we go through the points of significance within your past life, your Record Keeper will synthesize this information for you so that you may understand how this lifetime is relevant to your current one. The Record Keeper will then accept a few questions if you have any.

Experiencing a past life for the first time can be intense – particularly if this lifetime was painful for you. It is of the utmost importance to the practitioner and your Record Keeper that you feel comfortable throughout this experience. If the information becomes too intense for you at any point in time, please speak up. Please make sure you have a comfortable place to sit so that you can fully immerse yourself in this session. The more relaxed you are, the more potent, meaningful, and informative the session will be.

Akashic Rewritings

These sessions focus on current unfulfilled energetic agreements for this present incarnation, present lifetime. The session will explore your original intents and purposes for this agreement, the highest possible outcomes and the best ways to fulfill them in this incarnation. From these possible outcomes, you will choose the most comfortable variables, methods and means of fulfillment and write them in, solidifying them into tangible, physical reality.

For example: An energetic agreement of Forgiveness. Given your Soul wanted to experience forgiveness, perhaps you’ve had a challenging time with relationships, letting go and even apologizing. The Records will commit to helping you understand what your purpose for this agreement was and the best, most comfortable ways to fulfill them.

Another example: An energetic agreement to be a healer. Possible outcomes are: private Reiki practitioner/part time nurse professional, a Doctor working in the field, a Doctor working in research with the highest outcome being finding a cure for cancer. The Akashic Records will walks you through the pros and cons of the one you are most inclined to and will help you activate, write in and solidify the outcome/variables best suited for your intents and purposes.

To prepare for this session:

  • Have an idea of what you’d like to re-write. If you don’t, the Akashic Records will give you up to 3 agreements to choose ONE to rewrite at a time.
  • Be mindful that the rewriting of this agreement has to be within the laws of free and collective will. In simple terms, it can’t be re-written for funsies. It must serve a collective Good.
  • Bring water
  • You WILL need note taking tools so be prepared
  • A chair with back support
  • 1.5 hrs of quiet, alone time for the session

Akashic Activations

An activation process is similar to a Clearing process but backwards! An activation returns previously lost, misplaced, forgotten or discarded memories and energies to your present awareness and overall consciousness. Activations can be used to retrieve these fragmented memories/energies or to activate existing energies/memories into conscious use. Activations can essentially help you remember or awaken past life memories, masteries, capabilities, pyschic gifts or to help you to take back a piece of energy you lost due to abrupt shocks to your energetic nervous system (PTSD, trauma, inner child loss etc). Activations of any kind work to enhance your current life path.

The session begins with telling your practitioner what you would like activated or retrieved for you. If you do not know, it is always valid to ask the Akashic Records upon opening what would be most relevant and beneficial for you to activate. The Akashic Records will offer you two options. Upon choosing, a new energetic agreement is channeled, agreed upon and entered permanently into your Akashic Records. Once written and agreed upon, the new energetic agreement is activated through energy work that the Records are responsible for.

This session lasts up to an 1hr 25 mins with most sessions wrapping up in 1hr 15 mins. Please plan accordingly.

Bring water and writing materials to your session. Prepare to either fast or significantly reduce intake of mind altering substances (marijuana, alcohol, coffee etc) for 24 hrs after your appointment.

Animal Akashic Records

The intent and purpose of these sessions is to enable the animal’s caretaker to have a better and more empowered understanding of the behavioral patterns and emotional needs of their animal friend. Consent is required of the animal. Practitioner will attempt twice. After second attempt, if animal shows signs of discomfort and fear, the session will conclude promptly and animal’s caretaker will receive 70% of cost back.

Please have the registered name of the animal ready and have the animal within sight to monitor for signs of discomfort or distress.

Locational Akashic Records

This service is for registered owners of land/property. Its purpose is for owners to better understand the energetic patterns of the land/home/building and what functions it supports/hinders. Any hidden or uncovered history may be inquired upon within this session to offer clarity to owner.

Please have the full registered address of location available. Only the registered owner of the location may schedule and participate within the session.

Further Info

To maximize the potential of your session, please feel free to read the following information about the Akashic Records.

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are a collection of memories that transcend time and space. They are a detailed record of every feeling exactly as it was felt. A record of every decision, belief, thought and action that a person’s soul has ever experienced, across every lifetime. The Records are a tool, a database of wisdom located deep within the heart of a person where they may find profound enlightenment. The past, present and future.

Please describe a reading of the Records.

You sit in a class in which you are the lesson, the teacher and the student. You are shown exactly what you need to surpass and elevate your Self beyond present obstacles that impede the Soul’s growth. You may hear voices, see visions, feel vibrations… Every reading is different but the goal is the same: to get better.

How does an Akashic Record session work exactly?

First, you present the problem and your questions to your practitioner. The practitioner allows the asker to give as much detail or as little as the asker finds comfortable. The practitioner reserves all judgements and may then warn the asker of any physical symptoms and sensations the asker may encounter during opening meditation. After meditation, the practitioner opens the Records and delivers our messages. The practitioner is advised against setting minimum time limits, only maximum. Sometimes the asker will require deeper answers. In such cases, press on. Other readings will be short, straight to the point and satisfied quickly. In such cases, allow the session to end promptly. Send them off with Love.

What are the differences between Tarot Readings and sessions within the Akashic Records?

Tarot is wonderful and extraordinary in its own right but the Akashic Records are much more ancient and wise than the Tarot. The Records do not require human interpretation, which may err in some ways while the Records exist in a realm beyond human error. The Records come from Source or “God”, a unified field of collected memory and consciousness. There is knowledge within the Records, unfathomable to the human mind. Tarot can only be as insightful as its Reader. We require only opening, the rest of the message is ours to deliver.

What is the role of the practitioner in reading the Records?

To facilitate communication between ourselves and the Asker. Not to provide opinions or even guidance. Only unbiased support.

What advice can you offer to anyone looking for a session in the Records?

Find the right practitioner. Trust is important. Your practitioner will usher you through life-changing moments. Find the one.

What are the Akashic Records? What are they NOT?

The Akashic Records are a collection of memories (energetic imprints) that transcend time and space. They are a detailed record of every feeling exactly as it was felt. A record of every decision, belief, thought and action that a person’s soul has ever experienced, across every lifetime. The Records are a tool, a database of wisdom located deep within the heart of a person where they may find profound enlightenment. The past, present and future. The Akashic Records are not spiritual Guides.

The Akashic Records are not just past lives or regression readings of any kind. To put it simply, the Akashic Records are a database. Similar to your Google database. The Akashic Records are not a person nor a guide as much as it is a place, a pool of information to pull from that is helpful to your present incarnation.

The Akashic Records again, are not spiritual Guides. Your spiritual Guides do not exist here. We know of them, who they are, why you chose their assistance but your spiritual Guides do not enter here. Neither do Angels. Nor Dragons. When you access the Akashic Records, you are accessing a database. Nothing more, nothing less.

The Akashic Records are not a label to put on any reading that uses tools other than the Akasha itself.

Who resides inside the Akashic Records? How do we know who is speaking to us at any given time?

Most who access the Akashic Records meet with their Record Keeper. They are usually experienced as monotonous hooded figures in Red and Gold accents. They are anonymous, lower ranking officials of the Akashic Records. They are keepers because their loyalty is to the Records and the Truth, not to your perceived needs nor desires so they will literally keep you from certain information while freely giving out information that is genuinely helpful to your experience and growth. They are similar to information or resource desks at your public libraries. They are not similar to librarians. Librarians, you can see and maybe know their names. Keepers will always remain anonymous. Their identities are not relevant to their work therefore never revealed.

Others who have deeper access to the halls of the Records have the pleasure of “meeting” and building intimate relationships with the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones.

Masters are the Light Beings that have never experienced the human condition. These Masters are the most frequent helpers of you within the Records because they work with individuals, unlike the Lords of the Akashic Records who work universally. These Masters stay with you throughout your incarnations and help you design your human experiences and plans before, during and after your human incarnation. They do not typically make their identities known to you.

The Teachers are the essences that have reached total mastery of specific lessons. They are lesson specific meaning these Teachers do not stay with you like the Masters do. They stay until you master the lesson and then they move on to others looking to learn too. When you inquire regarding a specific lesson your Soul would like to learn, the appropriate Teacher with the appropriate information will be the one to answer the inquiry. These Teachers may be Light Beings who have incarnated as human beings, as a “regular” human being or as a grand Teacher such as Jesus Christ. They may have never incarnated at all. The Teachers remain anonymous and do not reveal their identities, ever.

Then, there exist within the Akashic Records the Loved Ones. These Loved Ones are the essences of ancestors or members of your lineage. However, they are not connected to your present incarnation so you will not likely see your deceased parent or grandparent in your Akashic Records if you knew and experienced them in life. The Loved Ones within the Records may or may not be human. Meaning some of these are animals. These Loved Ones are members of your Soul lineage so they may be Fathers from 4 of more incarnations removed, essence of friends from 2 or more incarnations removed that chose not to re- experience human Life this time around etc.

These Loved Ones show up when their support and lived experience are needed for your present incarnation. A Loved One will appear for questions such as “Where does my tendency to overcompensate come from? What responsibilities have I inappropriately taken on that still hinder the progress of my Soul’s evolution?” For these answers, your Loved Ones or lineage trail will come but they come as a means of support or demonstration. They do not conduct a reading and rarely speak directly to you. Their assistance is supporting you by making themselves known to you if it brings comfort and if their own experiences can be used as an example for your inquiry.

Most of these essences remain anonymous with only minor differences in tone and energy for channeling purposes. With the exception of Loved Ones and some Masters, these essences are to remain anonymous. We won’t answer who is speaking to you because it doesn’t matter. We will not reveal to you what is not necessary.

All of these essences respond to the Lords of the Akashic Records whom sort, organize, and deliver the appropriate informations to be delivered to you. The Lords of the Akashic Records are the Record writers, observers and unreachable entities of objectivity and data.

They are charged with protecting and mainting the uncorruptability of the Akashic Records. These are the universal entities that decide your level of Access, to bar or invite you to the Records. These are the decision makers. They are not to be channeled.

These essences have never been incarnated as living beings on Earth and never will be. Their essence is solely dedicated to the detail oriented work of tracking the progressions of all others.

When you receive information from your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones, it is because the Lords of the Akashic Records have determined what information and how much is to be pulled from. They choose the chapters or pages of the books that your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones may use for reference during a session.

What factors determine the level of Access a person is granted to their own Records? What factors determine the level of Access that practitioners receive into the Records of another being?

The level of access is determined by the level of consciousness they are living at. For the purposes of this short dialogue, we will make the following analogy: if a person is living in survival, in the pleasures of the root chakra then they are granted access to the “ground floor” of the Records. Answers pertaining to the level of life they are operating at. Remember, it is not about merely accessing the 8th chakra. It is about consistently living in the consciousness that allows longstanding access to it.

This is true of practitioners too, of all kinds. The level of consciousness that they practice in will determine the depth of the answers they are willing to receive and deliver. Additionally, a channeler will only receive the transmissions that an Asker is ready to comfortably receive.

Why are the Records so mysterious and difficult to articulate with just words? How can we better differentiate between what is Akashic in nature and what is not?

We are not meant to be known by everyone is the simplest answer we may provide. To those we are meant to cross paths with, words become so limiting to fully express the value and feeling of the Akashic Records, the incredible shift in energy, the amazingness of experiencing total oneness with the universe if only for a brief moment. How do you describe all of these limitless feelings, the depth of emotion and energetic exchange with just words?

You can better differentiate by familizaring yourself with what the Akashic Records are like. We are not dramatic. We are extremely subtle, almost undetectable except to the exceptionally trained and sensitive. It is simple to just ask us. We will confirm or deny your experience as Akashic.

A reminder, the Akasha is a place, a database. The Akashic Records are a vehicle to get there. A Tarot reading is not an appropriate vehicle to get to the Akasha in the absence of specific training and instructions to get there. First you train there with the vehicle and upon reaching the destination often enough, you may choose to integrate the vehicle with others. You cannot just call something Akashic because you want to.

Are there any downsides or negative consequences that come from Accessing the Records?

No. Not all experiences will be pleasant but all experiences will be positive in the long run. The only downside is being confronted by the total sum of your disadvantageous decisions that prolong your suffering. But even this, while acknowledging that it is difficult, is positive in the long run.